About Us
Introduction To
Puretouch Care Ltd
The aim of Puretouch Care Limited is to provide a high-quality and tailored support which delivers personal care, associated tenancy support and domestic services and promotes community inclusion. We believe that the rights of people who use our service are paramount, and we actively solicit views and beliefs and respect each person as an individual.
- Dignity
- Independence
- Security
- Privacy
- Choice
- Fulfilment
- Civil Rights
CEO & Founder

Our aims and objectives
The aim of Puretouch Care Limited is to provide a high-quality and tailored support which delivers personal care, associated tenancy support and domestic services and promotes community inclusion. We believe that the rights of people who use our service are paramount, and we actively solicit views and beliefs and respect each person as an individual.
We are committed to understanding the changing needs of the people we support and our business will evolve in accordance with their requirements.
The training of Care & Support Workers will remain a high priority in order to maintain our objectives
Our principles
- To focus on people who use our service: We aim to provide personal care and support in ways that attain positive outcomes for service users and promote their active participation
- To ensure that we are fit for our purpose: We will examine our operations constantly to ensure that we are successfully achieving our stated aims and purposes. We will encourage and welcome feedback from Service Users, their friends, relatives, Stakeholders and other Professionals
- To work for the comprehensive welfare of Service Users: We aim to provide for each person we support, a package that contributes to their overall personal and healthcare needs and preferences. We will co-operate with other services and professionals to help to promote, preserve or maximise independence and to ensure as fully as possible their maximum participation in the community.
- To meet assessed needs. Before we provide services, we ensure that the needs of and preferences of potential Service Users are thoroughly assessed, either by one of our trained and experienced staff, or in co-production with the Local Authority. We aim to ensure that the support provided is re¬assessed as frequently as necessary, and that we offer flexibility to respond to changing needs or requirements.
- To provide quality services. We are whole-heartedly committed to providing high quality services and to continuously improve the support offered.
- To employ a quality workforce. Standards for our managers and staff are based on the national occupational standards for support services for the people we support.
An individual’s right to privacy involves being free from intrusion or unwelcome attention. We aim to maximise each person’s privacy in the following ways
Support Workers will only enter a Service User’s property and room once they have expressed consent
People have the right to choose not to interact with or be interrupted by Support Workers when, for example, they are entertaining a visitor or are engaged in an intimate activity such as showering, where they do not require their assistance
We respect the fact that each person’s possessions are private and always act in accordance with the principle that Support Workers are guests in the Service Users home.
Support Workers will respect each person’s right to make telephone calls and carry out conversations without being overheard or observed.
We will ensure that records of the Service Users are only seen by those with a legitimate need to know the information they contain.
The right to dignity involves recognizing the intrinsic value of people as individuals and the specific nature of each person’s particular needs. We aim to maximize each Service Users dignity in the following ways:
- We arrange for Service Users who require assistance with bodily tasks such as dressing, bathing and toileting to be helped as far as possible by the support worker of their own choice and, if desired, a worker of a sex of their choice.
2. Where required, Service Users will receive the necessary assistance with dressing and maintaining their clothes.
3. We will provide support for Service Users with make-up, manicures, hairdressing and other elements of their appearance so that they can present themselves as they wish.
4. We aim to minimise any feelings of vulnerability that Service Users may have arising from disability.
5. We treat Service Users with the sort of respect which reinforces personhood and individual characteristics, addressing them and introducing them to others in their preferred style, responding to specific cultural demands and requirements, and aiming to maintain relationships which are warm and trusting but appropriate to the relationship of a Support Worker and Service User.

Independence means having opportunities to think, plan, act and take sensibly calculated risks. We aim to maximise each person’s independence in the following ways:
- We help Service Users to manage for themselves where possible rather than becoming dependent on paid support.
- We encourage Service Users to take as much responsibility as possible for their own healthcare and medication.
- We fully involve Service Users in planning their support, producing and implementing their support plans and managing records of support
- We work with family carers, relatives and friends of Service Users to provide a continuous service and promote community inclusion, utilising resources to build resilience (asset-based care and support).
- We aim to create a climate in the delivery of support and foster attitudes in those around Service Users that focus on capacities rather than on disabilities (strengths-based care and support).
In providing services to people with disabilities, a balance must be struck between helping them to experience as much independence as possible and making sure that they are not exposed to unnecessary harm. Taking care for the security and safety of Service Users means creating an environment and support structure that offers sensible protection form danger, providing comfort and readily available assistance when required. This should not be interpreted as a demand for a totally safe or risk-free lifestyle; taking reasonable risks can be interesting, exciting and fun, as well as necessary. We respond to people’s needs for security in the following ways:
- We will help to create a physical environment that is free from unnecessary sources of danger to Service Users or their property.
- We will always carry out thorough risk assessments in relation to premises, equipment and the activities of the Service Users supported.
- Support Workers will advise Service Users about situations or activities in which their disability is likely to put them or their property at risk.
- Support Workers are well selected, trained and briefed to provide services responsibly, professionally and with compassion.
- We will aim to make sure that help is tactfully at hand when a Service Users needs or wishes to engage in any activity that places them in situations of substantial risk.
Civil rights
We aim to help Service Users to continue to enjoy their civil rights in the following ways:
- If Service Users wish to participate in elections, we will access the necessary information and either provide or obtain any assistance that they need to vote.
- We will help Service Users to make full use of a range of public services, such as libraries, education and transport.
- We will encourage Service Users to make use of health services, appropriate to their medical, nursing and therapeutic needs.
- We will provide an easily accessible procedure for Service Users, their friends, relatives and representatives to complain about or give feedback on our services.
5. We will support Service Users in their participating as fully and diversely as they wish in the activities of their communities through voluntary work, religious observance, involvement in associations and charitable giving
Choice is the opportunity to select independently from a range of options. We will respond to each person’s right to make choices in the following ways:
1. We will avoid a pattern of service delivery that leads to compulsory timings for activities like getting up and going to bed.
2. We will manage and schedule services to respond to each Service Users preference regarding the supply of Support Workers that they feel most comfortable with.
3. We will respect people’s eccentricities, personal preferences and idiosyncrasies.
4. We will cultivate an atmosphere and ethos of service delivery that welcomes and responds to cultural diversity.
5. We will encourage Service Users to exercise informed choice in their selection of the organisation who provide them with assistance
Fulfilment has been defined as the opportunity to realise personal aspirations and abilities. We respond to each person’s right to fulfilment in the following ways
We will help Service Users to participate in a broad range of social and cultural activities.
If requested, we will assist Service Users to participate in practices associated with religious or spiritual matters and to celebrate meaningful anniversaries and festivals.
We will respond sensitively and appropriately to the needs and wishes of Service Users who wish to prepare for or are close to death
We will make particular efforts to understand and respond to the wish of any person to participate in minority-interest events or activities
We will do everything possible to help Service Users who want to achieve an unfulfilled task, wish or ambition.
- +44 7534 505046
- admin@puretouchcareltd.co.uk
- 27 Parsons Green Lane, London, SW6 4HH
- Monday - Friday 9 - 5PM
- Saturday 10 - 3pm
- Sunday 10 - 3pm
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